What can we do when our friend is discouraged and scared? Can we give them courage?
We can speak life… because life and death are in the power of our tongues. (Proverbs 18:21.) We can use words to encourage another in their time of despair. We can speak truth... because wisdom from God is always available for those who seek Him. James 1:5 5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. We can be there… because our presence gives a brokenhearted friend a soothing moment. Words of encouragement can soothe a suffering soul but only God can heal a broken heart. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. How does God do this? We can be there, speak life in its positive vein, and impart wisdom from God, but it is all for naught if the person does not reach out and take courage from the only source available to them. God Himself. God’s able to impart the needed courage in the moment for those who will reach out and take it. Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. How does a person reach out and take the needed courage offered by God Himself? Courage and trust in God are deep rooted friends. We must choose the words carefully that we feed into our minds. We must not consider difficult moments as a time to be discouraged. If we do, then we will spend our life in despair and negativity. Difficult situations come and go so it is not hard to see the dangers of that stance. Up and down go our emotions, depending on the circumstance. Courage is abated. Also, we must not constantly seek to be encouraged. If we do, we will spend our lives in anticipation and become troubled when the things we hoped for don’t happen. We must not spend our life as excited, excitable Christians. Up and down go our emotions, depending on the circumstance. Courage is tenuous. But what do we want to be? Great question. We simply want to be ‘Couraged’. This is such a new word that it isn’t even in the dictionary. As far as I know I just made it up. The word courage is in the dictionary, but not couraged. Courage: New Oxford American Dictionary
What can I do for a friend in a difficult situation? I can support, love, be there, and speak words of life. I can even give the confidence to carry on, yet I remain as you, impotent to change the situation. God alone has this power, and He is determined that as we take Him at His Word; courage will be ours to take. We want to be couraged because then we simply go forth in life with calm confidence knowing that difficult things happen, and we must face them with the courage that only God can impart to us. We want to be couraged because we know that great things do happen for us along the way, yet we carry on with calm assurance enjoying the happiness that comes in that moment. The joy of the Lord is not dependent upon the circumstances of the moment, and it cannot be drained, regardless of the situation. God says ‘take courage’; from Him. Psalm 31:24 Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord. Courage and trust in God are deep rooted friends; they have an intimate relationship with Love and hope. With courage we simply throw one foot in front of the other enjoying the hope of overcoming adversity and the fun in the great times. Calm confidence is ours, regardless of the moments that attend to us all. Perhaps it is time for you to reach out to Father God and take His courage my friend; you are not alone in your struggle. God is with you. God is good, God is in control, God loves you, and God has a solution. You need simply to believe in Him, trust Him, and let God lead you into His wisdom. Perhaps it is time to live a life beyond discouragement and beyond excitable excitement into the joy of your Lord. Psalm 16:11 You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. I will meet you at the throne of God; worshiping Him and being named among the grateful.
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Forgiven! I was forgiven! I was so happy and relieved! I could hardly believe my good fortune. Forgiven! I understood what Jesus had to endure to purchase my freedom from the horrors of sin that had plagued me for years. I was forgiven! I began to love His Word. I couldn’t get enough of the treasures I was finding day after day in my Bible. A new Christian is a delight to watch, and I was one of them.
I assured God that He didn’t have to worry. I knew how horrible my sin was, and I promised Him that I would never forgive myself. Don’t worry, God, I’ve got this. I will never get over the shame and guilt for what my sin cost You, Jesus. I surmised that if I ever forgave myself, I’d be taking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ lightly, and I would never do that. No way. A life of shame would be mine, and then I’d go to heaven someday and maybe be relieved of it then. Perhaps. There was so much I needed to know. So much about God I needed to learn. So much about His grace, mercy, and love I needed to discover. And discover it I have! Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!” (John 8:32). Free? From shame? Free from guilt? Free from yesterday’s and yesteryear’s sin and failures? Free from where we blew it? And blow it they did! Adam and Eve had it all and they blew it all—not just for themselves, but Adam blew it for the rest of us as well. What would God do? … ** Was there a plan? A plan so marvelous that it defies human reasoning? A plan determined in eternity past so is not, and never will be, in jeopardy? A plan of God’s design and orchestrated perfectly by Jesus Christ Himself? A plan so incredible that it causes most to wonder why we call the day we remember it by: Good Friday. The Plan: Jesus Christ the perfect One came from heaven to rescue us from sin, all sin; the sin we committed and the sin that was committed against us. All sin. **Excerpt from Dealing with the Difficult in a God Honoring Way; Chapter 3. |
Shanna BraunShanna Braun served as an inductive Bible study teacher and trainer for Precept Ministries for many years, leading classes, workshops, and seminars in the inductive Bible study method. She has also served as the executive director of International Christians in Crisis. Working in the medical profession as an operating room technician, she gained firsthand experience with people facing physical difficulties and the associated fear that comes from the unknown. These life experiences led her to write Dealing with the Difficult in a God Honouring Way. Ms. Braun lives on a mountain in the interior of British Columbia with her husband, Don where they enjoy the beauty of God's creation. She has three daughters and seven grandchildren. |